Thursday, 4 March 2010

La Vanguardia: Blogueros que marcan

Today, I'm specially happy because I could find online the article about bloggers in which I appearred last 30th of January in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia. I was told that they put a picture on me by my Spanish friends but I could see it untill I fininally found it in the great Cocomode's the blog. It could sound silly, but I'm specially glad since I eventually appear in a print magazine from Spain, where I'm from. Thanks! :D


  1. junto con los otros tipos de arte, sin ellos la vida no tendría sentido, ahí queda dicho!! esta esta era la feature que me refería, felicidades! mención merecidísima, sí señor.


  2. Adriannnnn!!
    Felicidades por estar ahiª!
    te lo mereces tanto!!
    necesito que me des tu mail para enviarte el articulo...
    dejamelo en el blog o algo!!!
    me hago seguidora porque me encatas...
    ademas vives en Londres,uff la envidia me corroe :DDDD
    un besazo guapisimo

  3. I usually hate quitters but in this case I'll make an exception, you better keep in contact.

    Ps I know you're a music lover, you should listed to Kitty Daisy and Lewis, they have a superb old school sound with a bit of country flair. Just a suggestion.

  4. Hi! I put on my blog a picture of yourself, in a section called "Looks of the Week". We loved your style. I hope you don't mind. I follow you. Greetings:)

  5. hola, creo que te he visto sobre vogue italia en el numero de marzo, puede ser?
    adoro tu estilo!


  6. Congrats! Looks like a cool article! i can't read it but whatever, I love the picture in the article, looks so cool! Good job!
