Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Massie's Party

Last weekend it was one of the most special partys, a Massie's Party. It's not a serious party, the themed of the party is a doll, Massie, so, as you as thought, it was quite fun. There were some problems with the music and the songs, but Shaun knew how to improve it and finally it became a fantastic party we wont forget so easily.

La semana pasada tuvo lugar una de las fiestas más especiales, una fiesta Massie. No es una fiesta seria, si no todo lo contrario, el tema de la fiesta es una muñeca, asi que, como podreis imaginar, no es para tomarselo en serio. Hubo algunos problemas con la música, pero gracias a la colaboración de Shaun, pudimos disfrutar de una noche que tardaremos en olvidar.


  1. Great photos! Everyone's so stylish. (:

    So great to see you on here! I added you to my blogroll.

  2. Qué guay!!
    Me han encantado las fotossssssssssss

  3. Great pics! Stylish people we love ;)

  4. Hi Adrian!
    I'm friends with you on Chictopia...i didn't know you had a blog as well. im now a follower! This looked like a fun party everyone looks great :)
    Check out my blog when you can!


  5. Hi!

    I just saw one of ur looks at lookbook and i love it! nice blog x) and ur red,black n whites shoes are just lovely!


  6. woooow y yo que me alegro que esto coja vida!!! sí sí ahora mismo te pongo entre mis links! aaah por cierto te falta una feature en la columna de la izquierda, la de la vanguardia de hace unas semanas! ;)

    un beso,


  7. love the blog!!! also friends with you on chictopia :) im following now!!
